Category Archives: Conversion

Conversion? What Conversion?

Rabbis and Bitul Giyur

Another day, another outrage from the ḥaredi rabbinate. This time, it’s a decision by a Jerusalem beit din (rabbinical court) annulling a conversion to Judaism which took place over thirty years ago. The conversion, in other words, legally never happened. You can read the details here (and here, in Hebrew). One of the more sordid of these is that the head of the beit din, Rabbi Ḥayyim Yehudah Rabinowitz (that’s him in the middle of the picture), is currently embroiled in charges of corruption surrounding his conduct of the court.  Continue reading Conversion? What Conversion?

The Israeli Conversion Crisis and Progressive Halakhah

The latest round of the conversion wars in Israel is more than simply politics, the attempt to entice ḥaredi parties into a razor-thin Knesset majority. When we look at it closely, we find a case of progressive halakhah at work, an example of how rabbis not at all associated with the progressive Jewish movements can nonetheless utilize progressive halakhic thinking to solve problems and to relieve human suffering. Continue reading The Israeli Conversion Crisis and Progressive Halakhah