Meet David Levy.


David Levy has extensive experience in the nonprofit sector, working with a diverse range of large and grassroots social service, arts, health and community development agencies. His areas of expertise include professional/volunteer relations, financial resource development and leadership. A passionate teacher and engaging trainer, David has worked with organizations throughout the country on fundraising, governance, organizational problem solving, capacity building and strategic planning. David is skilled at helping individuals and organizations harnessing their unique skills and talents for success. David’s professional experience includes work at Jewish Federations, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Jewish Family Service, Jewish Free Loan and Hillel in the areas of management, leadership development and fundraising. As a volunteer, David has served on the Board of Directors for various arts and social service nonprofits and is a past President of Congregation Kol Ami. David earned his Masters’ Degrees in Social Work and Nonprofit Management from the University of Southern California and Hebrew Union College. In recognition of his career achievements and service to the community, Hebrew Union College awarded David an honorary doctorate in Jewish Nonprofit Management. He also has been recognized by his peers with the Jewish Community Professionals of Southern California inaugural Award for Excellence in Fundraising. David enjoys teaching at the Zelikow School, working with a diverse group of students who are truly committed to making a positive difference in their community and in the world. As an alum of the school, he appreciates the impact that his professors and classmates made on his life and he is honored to continue to be part of the Hebrew Union College community.


Our project-intensive curriculum engages you in creative problem solving that will shape your practice as a nonprofit professional.

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