Engaging the Disengaged: Jewish Nonprofit Communication Tactics that Build Bridges

By Julia Hubner and Amy Mendelsohn, MAJNM/MCM ‘17   I’m not interested. I don’t believe in G-d. My mom’s not Jewish, so I don’t know if I am. I had a bar mitzvah but didn’t really connect to anything after that. There are innumerable reasons people give not to engage with their Judaism. Each reason… Continue reading Engaging the Disengaged: Jewish Nonprofit Communication Tactics that Build Bridges

Snapchat Kings, Youtube Queens, and Instagram Gurus: Engaging Jewish Online Content Creators for Philanthropy

By Jamie Evan Cohen, MAJNM/MCM ‘17   Given the proliferation of communication technologies and nonprofits, reaching audiences has never been more challenging. This study examines the potential for collaboration between the Jewish nonprofit industry and “online content creators” or “influencers” – a type of web-based mini-celebrity or artist – who either identify as Jewish or… Continue reading Snapchat Kings, Youtube Queens, and Instagram Gurus: Engaging Jewish Online Content Creators for Philanthropy


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