Jilian Bar-Or


Jilian Bar-Or completed the Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management Master of Science in Organizational Leadership & Innovation (MSOLI) program in 2020 and is currently the Head of School at Shalom School Sacramento. Jilian has worked at Shalom School for eight years, first as the Admissions Coordinator and then as the Advancement Director. Shortly after completing her MSOLI degree, she was selected to be the Head of School.

Jilian shares, “Zschool’s focus on the ‘business of Jewish organizations’ aligned perfectly with my goals. My Zschool degree gave me the knowledge and mindset needed for running a successful and relevant Jewish nonprofit in today’s modern world. Through real-world examples of thriving Jewish nonprofits and professors who were working as experts in the field, I learned applicable skills to immediately apply as a leader. Zschool also infused me with the confidence to step into such a large leadership role with my eyes wide open about the ways it would be both challenging and rewarding. With my knowledge and skillset from Zschool and my rich professional network, I was equipped to take the leap to lead Shalom School. Additionally, the structure of the MSOLI program worked perfectly for the life stage I was in.”

Jilian recalls some of her favorite Zschool memories. “Learning in a classroom with about twenty smart and thoughtful Jewish professionals who were at all different points in their careers and all worked in extremely different settings was so fulfilling. I especially loved learning with students who were concurrently in rabbinical schooI, as they had a unique perspective and disposition toward the work of Jewish nonprofits. I also loved being on campus during the summer in the heart of downtown Los Angeles, as well as visiting the many organizations around LA during Wacky Wednesday – the Jewish energy and buzz of the city truly filled me up.”

If you are considering earning a degree through the Zschool, Jilian encourages you: “Jump in! The learning and network you attain will truly last a lifetime. You will be part of a network of knowledge and support that will be continuously growing.”

Learn more about the MSOLI program and other Zschool offerings at zsjnm.huc.edu

Jilian Bar-Or




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