Alexandra Horn

Alexandra Horn ‘21 is the Director of Congregational Engagement at Temple Emanu-El Dallas, overseeing all engagement work and helping them become an antiracist congregation through DEI work. Alex completed the Zelikow School of Jewish Nonprofit Management M.A. Jewish Nonprofit Management degree while working full time.
She shares, “the coursework gave me the confidence to be a better Jewish professional and to find my own voice and leadership style. The relationships and connections to the broader Jewish community outside of my own are part of why I love Zschool. I learned from classmates and professors from a variety of professional settings. I gained the confidence to be more present and outspoken in navigating the whole nonprofit world.”
Alex’s favorite class was taught by Sasha Strauss. She enjoyed learning about innovation and personal branding. “Even though it was online, it was a really powerful experience,” Alex said. “We discussed our values, how you use your voice, and storytelling.”
Alex is involved in ADL – Anti-Defamation League Texoma and started a Well Circle through At The Well with two of her classmates. They meet monthly and she loves that not only does it help them keep in touch, but it has also allowed her to grow spiritually and Jewishly. She has a company called Improv to Improve, LLC that she started with a friend from Jewish summer camp. Improv to Improve provides improvisation training, leadership development, communication, and team building programs through improv games. Check it out!
Some words of advice from Alex: “Be open to a variety of opinions and ideas, and know that our individual view and where we sit in the world is only one way to view things. Knowing that relationships really matter can take you far. Keep up with professors, Zschool staff, and classmates – you never know when they can help you and when you can help them.”

Alexandra Horn




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