Meet Steven Windmueller.


Dr. Steven Windmueller is Professor Emeritus of Jewish Communal Studies at the Jack H. Skirball Campus of Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion in Los Angeles. Prior to coming to HUC, Dr. Windmuellerhad served on the staff of the American Jewish Committee (1969-1972), directed the Albany (NY) Jewish Federation (1973-1985), and the JCRC (Jewish Community Relations Committee) of the Los Angeles Jewish Federation (1985-1995).

During his tenure at the College, Dr. Windmueller served for ten years as the Director of its School of Jewish Nonprofit Management and in 2005 was named to the deanship of the LA campus (2006-2010). Between 2012-2014, he was invited to teach classes both at USC and Nanjing University (China).

The author of four books and numerous articles, Professor Windmueller holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Pennsylvania. His research has been primarily focused on Jewish communal trends, anti-Semitism, and Jewish political behavior. His articles have appeared in a number of secular and Jewish publications. During this pandemic crisis, Dr. Windmueller has been devoting his research to examining the impact of the Coronavirus on the American Jewish community.

Currently, he edited a volume for USC’s Casden Institute on Donald Trump’s Impact on American Jews released in December of 2021. Dr. Windmueller serves on a number of boards, including serving as a Fellow of the Jerusalem Institute of Public Affairs and as a Board Member of the Pat Brown Institute at Cal State, Los Angeles. For the past seven years, he has been on the faculty of the Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture, teaching across the globe. He is married to Dr. Michelle Pearlman Windmueller.


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