Fall Harvest from Israel

With the new budget year come new books from Israel. The numbers and the topics of books being published in Israel never cease to amaze me. If you are interested the statistics, I invite you to log on to link to the statistics published annually by the Jewish National and University Library: http://www.jnul.huji.ac.il/eng/lgd-statistics-2010.html

Here are some new arrivals to our library in no particular order:

המאבק על הזיכרון/ דן לאור. עם עובד, 2009

A collection of essays by one of the leading scholars of Israeli literature, discussing the works of David Shimoni, Avraham Shlonski, Shai Agnon, Haim Hazaz and many others.

(PJ 5021 L3.5 2009)


חרב פיפיות בידם: אקטיביזם צבאי בהגותה של הציונות הדתית / אלי הולצר. מכון הרטמן ואוניברסיטת בר-אילן, 2009

Military activism in the thought of Religious Zionism, discussing the ideologies of Rabbis Reines, Kook and Tamaret, with an extensive bibliography on the subject. (DS 150 R3.2 H6.4 2009)


חסד חילוני / דנה פרייבך-חפץ. רסלינג, 2009

A discussion of the possibilities of “secular grace”: a journey through the writings of Western philosophers such as Aristotle, Kant, Heidegger, Buber, Levinas, as well as through the writings of contemporary Israeli authors. (BJ 1531 F7.4 2009)


מדרש במה: קבוצת התיאטרון הירושלמי / עליזה עליון ישראלי. ידיעות אחרונות, 2009

The story of The Jerusalem Theatre Group founded in 1982 to give a stronger voice to Jewish culture and to women in Israeli society. The participants created performance art based on their study of Midrashic materials and their investigation of the Hebrew language. The book includes four plays and the process by which they were created and staged: Beruriah, Esther, Sarah and Sotah. (PN 2919.6 J5 E5.4 2009)

מדרש נעמי: נעמי שמר – המקורות היהודיים בשירתה / אברהם זיגמן. יד יצחק בן-צבי, 2009 .

A study of the Jewish sources of Naomi Shemer’s songs: Biblical, Midrashic & Talmudic allusions in many of her songs are presented in annotated texts, including a broad discussion of Jerusalem of Gold and its roots in biblical verses. The book is illustrated by Ruth Tzarfati. (ML 345 I 8.5 Z5 2009)


השמיעיני את קולך: עיונים במעגל השנה ובפרשיות השבוע – ספר העשור ל”קולך” / עורכת רחל קרן. קולך וראובן מס, 2009

 A selection of readings in the Jewish calendar and Torah portions, celebrating ten years of publication of “Kolekh” – a forum for religious women. Each chapter in the book covers commentaries and other writings addressing the Torah readings of a specific month in the Jewish calendar. (BM 157 H3.8 2009)


In Her Voice: an Illuminated Book of Prayers for Jewish Women/ Enya Tamar Keshet. Maggid Books, 2010.

The book contains a collection of twenty eight prayers and tehinot exclusively recited by women, supplemented by texts of Jewish sources. Richly illustrated by the author in the style of Lisbon Judaica manuscripts of the 15th century. (S.C. BM 667 W6K4.7 2010)


Georiopolis/ Dror Guez. Petach Tikvah Museum of Art, 2009.

A catalog of an exhibition that introduces the voices and images of the Christian Arabs as an ethnic minority in Israel and as a religious-ethnic minority amongst the Muslim Arabs.

Georgiopolis, a.k.a. al-Lydd, Lydia, Lod becomes a symbol of the destruction and exile experienced by many Christian Arab inhabitants of Lod, following the Israeli War of Independence in 1948.  Hebrew, English & Arabic texts.

שנה טובה ומבורכת!


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